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Wheat Field

Some insights into the Why

We all have a story, a vision, a goal, a purpose.  Here's a little glimpse into why we are doing this.



Almost 20 years in Corporate American developing careers.  10 years in Small Business understanding how critical having great employees is.  Seeing the positive direct impact you can have on your local community.  20 years in Fatherhood understanding that sometimes it takes a village to equip our young adults.


The clear focus, the passion, the motivation is to help young adults build a personal foundation built upon more than just technical skills, but rather something built on an inner balance of Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual health.  Something so solid and ingrained that they can navigate Relationships, Life and their Careers with more fulfillment and success.      


Mission Statement

Our mission is to develop authentic and noble contributors with intention, morality and empathy.  We strive to cultivate individuals who are not only skilled in their technical abilities, but also possess a deep understanding of their emotions.  We aim to empower the next generation to become well-rounded individuals who can positively impact society and make a difference in this world, while also being fulfilled with their own journey.  



We believe that every individual has the potential to succeed.  Our program aims to unlock that potential through a combination of soft skills enhancement, emotional intelligence development, and hands-on experience through on-site job training.  We believe this will allow both the employee and employer to benefit from this new partnership. Creating businesses and careers that can both thrive and are fulfilling.   

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