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Course Curriculum

Here is a one page syllabus highlighting the main topics that will be discussed each week. Additional Items like 1-on-1 coaching sessions, team building activities, group events and guest speakers are not listed here, but will be valuable parts included in this 12 week program.  

The New Path

Week 1

Introductions, Create Team Culture, Set Expectations, and Goal Achieving

  • Introductions: we are all accountable to each other, as well as to ourselves

  • Personal assessment results (DiSC & Myers Briggs) and “Alchemist” book reading assignment 

  • Create plan and daily habit to achieve goals, create personal/career goal plans, collectively create 3 team goals

Week 2

Effective Communication

  • Explore the importance of effective communication in personal and social relationships

  • Teach active listening skills, non-verbal communication, clear and concise expression 

  • Teach effective conflict resolution techniques

Week 3

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) - Part 1

  • Explore the importance of emotional intelligence in personal, social and professional relationships

  • 4 main areas of EQ: Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management

  • Teach strategies for recognizing and managing emotions

Week 4

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) - Part 2

  • Continue discussing, exploring and learning ways to manage our emotions in positive ways.  Awareness, Regulation, Motivation and Empathy.  

Week 5

Mental / Physical / Social / Spiritual Health

  • Teach stress management techniques, mindfulness and self-care strategies

  • Teach about the importance of proper nutrition and exercise in order to stay grounded and balanced

  • Discuss the importance of the quality of our relationships and interactions with others.  Are we surrounding ourselves with a supportive and healthy group of individuals.  

  • Discuss the importance of having Spiritual health and discovery a form that is best for you (1) Prayer (2) Medication (3) Connecting with Nature (4) Acts of Kindness or Service 

  • Discuss substance abuse prevention 

Week 6

Resilience, Growth Mindset and the Art of Appreciation 

  • Teach strategies to help adapt to change, overcome challenges and bounce back from setbacks

  • Adopt a growth mindset and embracing failure as a learning opportunity

  • Appreciation is maybe the most essential skill to have for success and fulfillment 

Week 7

Leadership, Teamwork, Professional Relationships and Problem-solving

  • Teach about the qualities of effective leaders and how they inspire and motivate their teams 

  • Teach strategies on how to build and maintain professional relationships and networking

  • Learn different techniques to efficiently assess and solve problem effectively 

  • Explore the topic: how to handle moral dilemmas in the workplace  

Week 8

Career Essentials and Future Planning 

  • Discuss the important of always proactively managing your career

  • Explore different styles of resumes and professional etiquette

  • Assist with creating/updating their resume, adding a new section titled “Emotional Intelligence”  

  • Teach effective interview skills

  • Role play with multiple guests to practice and hone interview techniques  

Week 9

Personal Finance and Wealth Management  

  • Discuss personal finance, budgeting, debt management and credti

  • Build a personal plan and budget for both short term and long term to accomplish all your goals 

Week 10

Community Outreach, Job Fair Night & Mentoring 

  • Mandatory 10 hours of volunteering this week within community as we are noble contributors.

  • You will have the opportunity to discuss career paths with various industry leaders.

  • Discuss the importance of having a mentor, and start working with a long-term mentor.

Week 11 & 12


  • You will work with a dedicated business for at least 10 hours per week based on your interests

  • You will gain hands-on experience and get real exposure to a specific industry

  • Ceremony Event: review goals, receive potential job offers, and celebration of accomplishments!

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